Christian Counseling for Women

Christian Counseling

If your faith is important to you, and you want to make sure it is incorporated into your counseling and psychotherapy sessions, please let us know! Christian counseling can mean different things to different people.

So …

Here are some of the things you might expect or request at Abundant Freedom Counseling when you ask for Christian counseling:

  • Counseling backed by/with Biblical truths incorporated
  • Scripture references woven into therapy as may be appropriate
  • Prayer for your needs before or after your sessions
  • Understanding as you grapple with your faith, questions, struggles, or beliefs
  • Unconditional positive regard

What you will NOT get when you request Christian counseling at Abundant Freedom Counseling is:

  • Guilt
  • Condemnation
  • Pressure to believe something you don’t
  • Rigid religiosity
  • Judgement
  • Shame

We each have our own history, our own experiences, and our own understandings and beliefs, which means that we each have a unique take on the world and our place in it.  When you come into any type of counseling, it is important that you know you will be treated respectfully and that it is never ethical practice for counselors to force personal beliefs on you. So, as with any counseling, you call the shots. You can say you’d like Scripture or prayer incorporated, or you can say you have been hurt by people/church bodies calling themselves Christian but not acting like it and are struggling with trusting or that you are in a difficult space in exploring your faith and what you believe. At Abundant Freedom Counseling, our goal is to provide Christian counseling in a safe and comfortable therapeutic space where you can unpack your stresses, anxieties, fears, burdens, grief, thoughts, and emotions without worry that you will be judged, rejected, or re-traumatized.

Therapy Customized to Your Needs and Preferences

This is your therapy, and we take it at your pace and with the components of your faith that you desire to be brought into your Christian counseling sessions.  If you have struggles with understanding God’s will for you, why bad things have happened in your life, or questions of faith in regard to Scripture, your life, your family, or any area of concern, please know that we want to listen, help, and encourage you.

As many Christians who have been saved for any length of time can attest, having faith does not mean that bad things don’t happen relevant post, but it means that we know Who will work them together for our good and Who goes before us, preparing good plans for our futures.

If you seek Christian counseling, we’d be honored to walk alongside you as you seek to find clarity, healing, strength, and victory.

Please let us know how I can help you by incorporating your faith into your counseling journey.

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